- #Classes of ships x3 reunion zip file
- #Classes of ships x3 reunion Patch
- #Classes of ships x3 reunion full
- #Classes of ships x3 reunion code
- #Classes of ships x3 reunion series
Transformed output files will be generated to a catalog file in the addon folder by default, or as loose files in the x3 directories if requested. Included in the repository is Authors_Transforms, the author's personal set of transforms, which can be checked for futher examples. The quickest way to set up the command script is to copy and edit the "input_scripts/User_Transforms_template.py" file, renaming it to "User_Transforms.py" for recognition by Launch_X3_Customizer.bat.
#Classes of ships x3 reunion series
Call a series of transform functions, as desired.Call Set_Path to specify the X3 directory, along with some other path options."from X3_Customizer import *" to make all transform functions available.This script is written using Python code, which will be executed by the customizer. The user controls the customizer using a command script which will set the path to the X3 installation to customize (using the Set_Path function), and will call the desired transforms with any necessary parameters.

#Classes of ships x3 reunion zip file
#Classes of ships x3 reunion Patch
Generates patch files for this project from some select modified game scripts.The executable will be created for the system it was generated on. Requires the PyInstaller package be available. Generates a standalone executable and support files, placed in the bin folder.Generates updated documentation for this project, as markdown formatted files README.md and Documentation.md.If the scipy package is available, this supports smoother curve fits for some transforms, which were omitted from the Release due to file size.Supports general python imports in the user_transform_module.Does not fill in a default transform file unless the -default_script option is used.This is the primary entry function for the python source code.Similar to Launch_X3_Customizer, except appends the "-clean" flag, which will undo any transforms from a prior run.Call with '-h' to see any additional arguments.By default, attempts to run User_Transforms.py in the input_scripts folder.Runs the customizer, using the provided python user_transform_module which will specify the path to the X3 directory and the transforms to be run.
#Classes of ships x3 reunion full
#Classes of ships x3 reunion code
For Linux or 32-bit Windows users, the source code can be run directly using an appopriate version of Python. These will be provided as convenient, generally for 64-bit Windows.

As of customizer version 3, an executable will be generated for users who do not wish to run the Python source code directly, and is available on the github Releases page. This tool is written in Python, and tested on version 3.7. Most transforms will work on an existing save. Most transforms support input arguments to set parameters and adjust behavior, according to user preferences. Source files will generally support any prior modding. Some transforms carry out binary code edits, allowing for options not found elsewhere. Many transforms will also do analysis of game files, to intelligently select appropriate edits to perform. Transforms will often perform complex or repetitive tasks succinctly, avoiding the need for hand editing of source files. This tool will read in source files from X3, modify on them based on user selected transforms, and write the results back to the game directory.